Flag, generated on https://guns.lgbt/

Firearms Resources for marginalized individuals

This page serves as a repository for LGBTQIA+ Individuals and their allies to find communities for responsible firearms ownership, safety, and education. Not every entry may be explicitly LGBT-friendly, but all should be non-hostile at the bare minimum. This is, unfortunately, the way things are. Maybe we can all change that over time.Have an organization or individual you think should be listed here? Give us site suggestions via the contact page!

Firearms Education

  • Frontline Medical | https://rocket-armory.com | Survival-focused First Aid, CPR, and Stop the Bleed courses

  • Operation Blazing Sword | https://www.blazingsword.org/ | Directory of queer-friendly volunteer educators maintained by an organization dedicated to helping everyone.

Inclusive Organizations

  • Socialist Rifle Association | https://socialistra.org | An organization dedicated to educating on and advocating for all aspects of self and community defense

  • Pink Pistols | https://www.pinkpistols.org | Queer-focused, chapter-based, shooting club offering education and resources for firearms-interested queer people and allies

  • Walk The Talk America | https://walkthetalkamerica.org/ | improving the quality and availability of mental health resources to gun owners to reduce suicide by firearm

  • Hold My Guns | https://www.holdmyguns.org/ | Organization that arranges for temporary firearms storage during times of mental health crisis or personal need

Firearms Manufacturers

  • Rocket Armory | https://rocket-armory.com | Small-batch AR-15 parts manufacturer focused on welcoming BIPOC, women, and the LGBTQIA+ community.

  • Avidity Arms | https://avidityarms.com/ | Pistol and Rifle maker that tries to leave the politics at home to focus on engeering and defense.

Social Media


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